الأربعاء، فبراير 18، 2009

أحـبـك - شـعـر

بـقـلـم د. بـنـي هـانـي
أحـِبُـكِ ... وأعـشـَقـُكِ ...
أنـا غـارقٌ ... فـي بـحـرُكِ ...
وتـكسـرتْ ... فـي يـمـُكِ ...
أجـنـحـتـي ... وأشـرعـتـي ...
يـا عـظـيـمـة ... الـنـسـاء ...
يـا أمـيـرة ... الـزمـان ...
يـا سـيـدة ... الـمـكـان ...
يـا مـمـلـكـة ... الـجـمـال ...
أحـِبُـكِ ...
أحـِبـُكِ ... بـشـوق ٍ ...
ولـوَع ٍ ...وهـيـامٍ ...
بـلا حـدودٍ ... أو حـواجـزَ ...
أو آفـاق ٍ ... أوعـنـان ...
وعـشـقـُكِ ... يـجـتـاحـنـي ...
ويـقـضُ ... كـلَ مـضـاجـعـي ...
فـي أمـكـنـتـي ... وأزمـنـتـي ...
فـي كـل الـجـوارح ِ ...وكـل الأركـان ...
أحـِبـُك ... حـبُ الـطـفـولـةِ ... لـلـدلال ْ ...
ضـميـنـي ... عـانـقـيـنـي ... طـوقـيـنـي ...
فـذراعـيـك لـمـوتـي ... أحـلـى مـكـان ...
أحـبـُكِ ... حـبُ الـيـتـامـى لـلـحـنـان ...
دثـريـنـي ... إحـضـُنـيـنـي ... أدفـئـيـنـي ...
فـأنـت ِ لـي مـأوى ... وأنـتِ أمـان ...
أحـبـُكِ ... حـبُ الـطـيـور لـلـجـنـان ...
روِّحـيـنـي ... أسـقـنـي ...
ومـن فـمـكِ أطـعـمـيـنـي ...
فـصــدرُك لـي ... رحـبٌ
وفـضـاءٌ ... وبـسـتـان ...
أعـشـقـُك ...
عـشـقُ الـسـحـاب ِ ... لـلـسـمـاء ...
عـشـقُ الـنـبـاتِ ... لـلـنـدى ...
عـشـقُ الـصـحـارى ... لـلـشـتـاء ...
عـشـقُ الـلـيـالـي ... لـلـسـكـون ...
إرحـمـيـنـي ... أسـعـفـيـنـي ... عـلـمـيـنـي ...
مـا الـحـيـاةُ ... دونـكِ ... ومـاذا تـكون ...
أنـا مـتـيـمٌ ... أنـتِ الـحـنـان ...
أنـا طـائـرٌ ... أنـتِ الـجـنـان ...
أنـا غـيـمـة ٌ ... أنـتِ الـسـمـاء ...
أنـت دفءٌ ... وغـطـاءٌ ...
فـي لـيـل ِ ثـلـج ٍ ... وشـتـاءٍ ...
وأنـا الـنـيامْ ...
أنـا عـيـنٌ ... وإحـسـاسٌ ...
وقـلـبٌ ... وشـعـورٌ...
وأنـتِ الـجـمـالْ ...
عـرفـيـنـي ... وضـحـي لـي ... بـيـنـي لـي ..
مـاذا مـن بـعـدكِ ... يـعـنـي الـكـمـالْ ...
يـا عـيـون الـمـهـا ... يـاقـطـرالـنـدى ...
آويـنـي إلـيـك ... فـي بـيـت الـمرجـان ...
فـأنـا قـطـرةُ مـاءٍ ...
سـقـطـتْ مـن سـمـاءٍ ... أنـتِ فـيـهـا سـحـابْ ...
وآوتْ إلـى لـُجـةٍ ... أنـت ِ فـيـهـا الـعـبـابْ ...
فـأرمـي ... لـي بـربـكِ ... طـوق الـنـجـاة ...

الجمعة، فبراير 13، 2009

زُحـَلـيـة أسمها لونا - شعر

بقلم د. بني هاني

جـاءت فـي مـنـامـي ... زُحـَلـيـَة ...
جـمـيـلـةٌ ... مـلـيـحـة الـوجـهِ ...
إسـمـُهـا ... لـونا الـقـَمـَريـة ...

أنـامِـلـُهـا ... مـن فـضـةٍ ...
مـثـلُ ... حـبـاتِ الـبـَرَدْ ...
وجْـهُـهـا ... يـلـمـعُ كـثـلـج ٍ ...
ويـضـيءُ ... مـثـلُ بـرق ٍ ...
فـي ضـبـابٍ ... فـي مـطـرْ ...
و شـعـرهـا ... قد أستــُـلَ ...
مـن خـيوطٍ ...
مـن ضـيـاءٍ ... مـن قـمـرْ ...

أوقـعـتـنـي فـي فـخ ٍ ... فـي شَـرَكْ ...
صـنـعـتـه مـن حُـبٍ ... وعـشـق ٍ ...
مـن يـاقوتٍ ... مـن ذهـبْ ...

إلـى كـوكـب ٍ بـعـيـدٍ ...
إلـى عـالـم ٍ عـجـيـبٍ ...
خـطـفـتـنـي ... ونـفـتـنـي ...
فـي سـجـن ٍ ... عـلـى زُحَـل ٍ ...
حـبـسـتـنـي ... وقـيـدتـنـي ...
فـي جـوفـهـا السـحـيـق ...

فـي قـلـبـهـا الـرقـيـق...
ضـربـتـنـي ... جـلـدتـنـي ...
وعـذبـتـنـي ...

طـرقـت بـابَ الـسـجـن عـلـيَّ ...
ثـم دعـتـنـي ...
نـطـقـتْ ... هـمـسـتْ ...
فـركـتْ عـيـنـي ...
فـي هـيـاج ٍ و هـَيـام ٍ ... دقَ قـلـبـي ...
وعـشـق ٍ ولـهـيـبٍ ... فـارَ دمـي ...
بحروف ٍ عـجـمـيـةٍ ... ولـغـة ٍ زحُـلـيـةٍ ...
كـلـمـتـنـي ... وحـاورتـنـي ...

صَـرَخـتْ ... قـالـت ... يـا أرضّـي ...
هل تـسـمـعـنـي ...؟
قــُلـتُ نـعـمْ ... يـا زُحـَلـيـة ...
قـالـت ...
هـل تـشـتـاقُ ... لـمـعـانـقـتـي ...؟
أمْ أنـك تـصـبو ... لـمـعـاشـرتـي ...؟
صَـرَخـتْ ... قـالـت ... يـا أرضّـي ...
هـل تـفـهـمـنـي ؟

عـلـى عـجـل ٍ ... فـكـري تـَعـَطـلْ ...
دمـي تـَجـَمـدْ ... قـلـبـي تـسـارعْ...
رَجـَفَ جـسـمـي ... عرقـي تـصَـبَـبْ ...

زادَ شـوقـي ... وثـارَ هـيـامـي ...
هـاجَ عـشـقـي ... ومـاجَ غـرامـي ...
خـَلـعَـتْ قـلـبـي ... لـَمـَسـَتْ روحـي ...
كـتـَمَـتْ نـَفـَسـي ... طَـمَـسـَتْ عـيـنـي ...

يـدُهـا سـحـرٌ ... دمـعـُهـا عـِطـرٌ ...
وجـهـهـا قـمـرٌ ... يـقـدحُ شـرراً ...
لـونـهـا ... قـُزَحٌ ... يـمـلأ فرحا ً ...
مـثـلُ ... لـونـا ... مـثـلُ زُحَـل ...

زُحـلـيـة ٌ... كـأنـهـا تـمْـخـُرُ ...
فـي عُـبـابْ ...
تـُطـَاول الغـيـوم ... والـسـَحابْ ...
وتـقـطـفُ الـشـعـاعَ ... والأنوارْ ...

مـن حـقـول ٍ ... مـن ضـيـاءْ ...
فـي نـجـوم ٍ وشـمـوس ٍ ... وأقـمـارْ ...
جـسـمـهـا نـورٌ ... مـثـلُ شـمـس ٍ ...
فـي صـحـراءٍ ... مـن سـرابْ ...
يـصـنـعُ حِـمَـماً ...مـن أشـواق ٍ ...

وعـشـق ٍ ... مـن نـارْ ...
عـظـمـهـا لـؤلـؤ ... فـيـه... إعـصـارٌ ...
فـيـه لـهـيـبٌ .. وبـركـان ...

عـانـقـتـنـي ...بـلـهـفـةٍ ...

ضـمـتـنـي ... بـقـوةٍ ... وعـنـفـوانْ ...

شـلـّت جـسـمـي ... صَـعـَقـَت جـَسـَدي ...
عـصـرت لـحـمـي ... سـَحـَنـَتْ عـظـمـي ...
عـذبـتـنـي ... قـتـلـنـي ... حـرقـتـنـي ...
ثـم فـي مـحـيـطٍ ... وبـحـار ٍ ...
ذرّتْ رمـادي ...

صـحـَوتُ من نـومي ... مـنـهـك الـقـوام ِ ...
لـم أقـدر عـلـى ... لـم ِ شـعـثـي ...
أو ضـمـدِ ... جـراحـي ...
زادَ شـوقـي ... وثـارَ هـيـامـي ...
هـاجَ عـشـقـي ... ومـاجَ غـرامـي ...
بـلـونـا الـزُحـلـيـة ... بـلـونـا الـقـمـريـة ...

الأحد، فبراير 08، 2009

ويلي من بعدك ويلي - شعر

د. بني هاني

جـمـيـلٌ كل ما فيك ِ ... عـجـيـبٌ كل ما فيك ِ ...
نـسـمـاتـك ِ ... بـسـمـاتـك ِ ... هـمـسـاتـك ِ ...
رقـيـق ٌ كـل مـافـيـك ِ ... عـظـيـم ٌ كـل مـا فـيـك ِ ...
نـظـراتـك ِ ... لـفـتـاتـك ِ ... أفـكـارك ِ ...
رقـيـق ٌ ... كـل مـا فـيـك ِ ...
وطـيـبُ الـقـولُ ... مـن فـيـك ِ ...
دمـوع مـن مـآقـيـك ِ ... و وردٌ في ايـاديـك ِ ...
يا شـمـسـاً ... تـشـرقُ فـي غـروبْ ...
يـا نـجـمـا ً... يـسـطـِعُ فـي شـروقْ ...
يـا قـمـرا ً... يـزهـو ... ألوانـا ً...
ويـنـفـي ... عـن نـفـسي الـهُـمـومْ ...
يا كونا ً... يـخـتـزلُ وجـودا ً ...
ويـنـشـُرُ ... حـبـا ً... ولـهـيـبـا ً...
يـا بـدرا ً ... يـشـِـعُ ... ضـيـاءً ...
ويـنـيـرُ ... لـيـالٍ ... ودروبْ ...
يـا قـلـبـا ً ... يـخـتـزنُ ... سـعـادة ْ...
ويـنـتـجُ ... دفـئـا ً ... و سـرورْ ...
يـا نـفـسـا ً... تـتـقـدُ ... حـنـانـا ً...
يـا وجـهـا ً... يـمـتـلأ ُ... سـمـاحـا ً...
ويــبــعــثُ ... وهـجـا ً ... مـن نـورْ ...
يـا غـيـمـا ً... يـنـقـطـِرُ ... رحـيـقـا ً....
ويـمـطـرُ ... زهـرا ً... و ورودْ ...
يـا عـشـقـا ً... فـيـك ِ ... وهـيـامـا ً ...
وغـرامـا ً... مـن غـيـر ... حـدودْ ...
يـا بـحـرا ً ... يـغـريـني ...
فـي شـوق ٍ ... يُـغـرقـني ...
يـا نـهـرا ً ... يـجـرفـنـي ...
ويـهـزُ روحـي وكـيـاني ...
يـا نـارا ً... تـُلـهـِبُـنـي ...
وتـمـزقُ قـلـبـي ووجـودي ...
يـا حـبـا ً... يُـلـهـيـني ...
ويـطـمِـسُ عـقلـي وعـيـونـي ...
يـاقـبـسـا ً... يـكـفـيـنـي ...
فـي لـيـل ِ شـتـاء ٍ ... يـُذكـيـنـي ...
ويـْلـْي مـنْ بـعـدكْ ويـْلـْي ...
ويـْلـْي مـنْ بـعـدكْ ويـْلـْي ...
إنْ الـربُ ...إخـتـارُك ِ ...قـبـلـيْ ...
سـافـرت ِ عـني ... ورحلتـي ...
مـاذا أصـنـعُ ... مـن بـعـدكْ ...؟
والـعـالـمُ ... كـلـهُ أنـت ِ ...
مـاذا سـيـحـدُث ُ فـي نـفـسـي ...
وحـيـاتـي ... كـلـهـا أنـت ِ ...
مـن يـجـرؤ ... عـلى حـمـلي ...؟
أو حـتى يـنـظـرُ ... فـي وجـهـي ...
ويْـلـْي مـنْ بـعـدكْ ... ويـْلـْي ...
ويـْلـْي مـن بـعـدكْ ... ويـْـلـْي ...

ويـلي مـن بـعـدك ويـلـي
بـقـلـم د. بـنـي هـاني

السبت، فبراير 07، 2009

I Live to Love

A draft thoughts about love
By Dr. Bani Hani

In the beginning…there was a Will…with two letters…
The "B" and "E"…became a "BE"…when got together…
It was an inkling of light…
It was an inkling of life…
It was a pleasant…and a Heavenly Offer…
The "B" and "E"…were the spoken word…of a Great Lover…
The Ineffable…
The Unreachable…
The Invincible…Power…
* * * * *
With His BE…a Great Bang was ignited…then a Universe came to be…
And Life had dwelled…and all creatures stood in fear…
There was a sun…there was a Milky Way…and there was a moon…
There was a soil…there was water…and there was a tree…
There was a wind…there was a bird…and there was a beast…
There was a man…there was a fish…and there was a bee…
* * * * *
Binding those is the One…and only One…
The Merciful…the Clement…and the Prime One…
The Mighty One…and Able One…
He had no partner…and had no peer…and had no wife…
He had no son…He had no help…and hadn't relied on anyone…
Of his Great Love…our humble love had risen…and had begun…
Of the humble love…you and me had sprang…and had commenced…
You need to know that love is life…and that Life is…a Real Love…
And a Real Love…can't be quenched…or condemned…
I love life…and live to love…
I like to love…and be in love…
I love people…who live to love…and be lovers…
* * * * *
In a world of love…I wish to be…with all lovers…
Sharing with them…and talking to them…
Listening to them…and caring for them…

Occasions of fear…stories of love…and events of tears…
* * * * *
Wiping their tears…and quelling their fears…is a Real Love…
Feeding a poor…and aiding the weak…is a Real Love…
I love my wife…and love my sons…and love my daughters…
I love my mother…and love my father…and love my neighbors…
* * * * *
I love the moon…and love the heaven…and love the sun…
Sun is life…and love is my second sun…
I love these…and love those…and love thee…

أشواق للكرم - شعر

سألتني نفسي عن كريمة ... ولامتني في أشواق أخفيها
يهيج قلب متيم بحبها ... وتذرف دموعا مـن مآقيها
ويكثر اللوع لوجهها ... وأطلب عفوا من حاميها
وينفطرالفؤاد من الهوى ... يؤلم نفسي حب لايبقيها
قلت مهلا على قلب من الهوى ... نفسي تعشقها ولا تماريها
يا أيتها المصونة ألا اسمعي... متيم أسلم النفس باريها


Strang Sweet Scent - Poetry

By Dr. Bani Hani

Sweet Scent…is a fantasy…Black…and white
She's a ghost…and reality
Strange fate…and destiny
My companion…and company
Love story…and history
My crime…and perfidy
Far away…and next to me
Dark…and bright
She's true…and fallacy
Love…hatred…and perplexity
In…out…ups and downs
Friend…foe…and animosity
Obscure…and clarity
Easy…and hard personality
Hard to hold…easy go
Very abstruse mentality

That's the nature…of humanity
Sweet Scent is insanity

Despite the thrill…she made
Sweet Scent…is a mare
Despite the sadness…she brought
Inside the heart…she is there
At my face…inside my soul
Her eyes always gaze
Her spell…dominates
Heart and ears…she had gained
All the senses…she had seized
But no feelings…are in vain
Soul…and mind…she prevails
She swam…through the veins
Causing tortures…and making pain
Cutting…crushing…burn the brain
Stirring lust…and making love
I forgive Sweet Scent

She forgot…the old days
Many years…of my life
Two decades…of her age
All the nights…and all the days
Writing…on the note book
Every kiss…and every date
All the moves…and what were said
Each line…and every page
For a love…she had a flair
Flesh and bones…were flared
I forgive Sweet Scent

She knew the ocean…I sailed
I've flown…the whole space
Traveling north…and going south
From the moon…to the sun
To taste the lips
And see the face
Kiss me…and roll me
Touch me…and rub me
She told me …I was insane
I continued the ordeal
And continued the affair

Without her…I grew faint
Without me…she got mad
She is crazy…and insane…

She wanted a new life
And needed…a new page
I feel weak…I feel sane
I'll die… and I will fail

الأربعاء، فبراير 04، 2009

حبي إلك ماينتهي

إهداء إلى الغالية ... عـزوز ...

حبي إلك ... ما ينتهي ...
هجري إلك ... مايبتدي....
أنـتِ ورد ... أنـت عسل ...
وأنـتِ بـحـر ماينتهي ...
شـوقـي إلـك ... مـثـل الـعـطـش ...
مـثـل الـظـمـا ... مـايـرتـوي ...

إنت نـهـر ... أنـتِ هـوا ...
أنتِ دوا ... وبـلـسـم إلي ...
وجـهـك بـدر ... يـسـطـع سـطـع ...
صـيـف وشـتـا ... مـايـنـطـفـي ...

وجـهـك قـمـر ... يـلـمـع لـمـع ...
مـثـل الـبـرق ... يـكـوي كـوي ...

أنـتِ قـلـب ... أنـتِ بـصـر ...
وأنـتِ سـمـع ... دايـم إلي ...
قـلـبـي هـوى ... وقـلـبـي إنـكـوى ...
مـن الـوجـع ... بـهـجـرك إلي ...

أنـتِ أمـل ... أنـت عـطـر ...
مـثـل الـقـطـر ... قـطـر الـنـدى ...
يـحـلـى حـلـى ... مـثـل الـعـسـل ...
وبثم الملا ... يشفي شفا ...

أنـتِ سـحـاب ... مـثـل الـعـباب ...
وأنـت غـيـوم ... تـقـطـر قـطـر ...
وتــشــتـي شـتـا ...
وأنتِ صـدر ... مـايـنـطـوي ...
ويـخـفـق خـفـق ... بـخـيـر وهـنـا ...

لـونـتِ أيـامـي بـفــرح ... وسعد وهنا ...
ونـورتِ قـلـبـي بـالـوفـا ...
وكـلـمـة لـطـيـفـة ... وحـب ودفـى ...
وأتـحـفـتِ عـمـري بـالأمـان ...
وكـنـتِ صـبـورة ... وكـنـتِ الـرجـا ...


To The One Who Likes To Play With My Feelings - Poetry

By Dr. Bani Hani


You are heartless…you are tasteless
You are selfish…and you are careless
Deadpan…dreadful…grim and faceless
You are senseless…and you are worthless
You are disgust…and you are an insult
To my senses…and to my trust
With an arrogance…that is baseless

You are cunning…and you are bugging
Nerves…and mind…and all the senses
You are sick…you are mad
You are psycho…and you are bad
You are terrible…and make me sad
Joy and happiness…you can't add
You are scornful…and make me painful
You are shameful…and unfaithful
You are hateful…and made me painful
You are awful…you are hateful
Sweet…and innocent…when you need
Snake…and scorpion…with bad deeds
Dark spirit…and gloomy soul
Stingy and greedy…when in call
Taking…asking…too too much
Giving…sharing…not so much
False smile…and great plight
Loving you…is not a delight
To my health…you are blight
Knowing you…is a misery
Seeing you…in is an agony
Forgetting you…is a victory
Stay away…and never call
Be aware…and never show
Forget me…and don't approach
Never come…and never show
Close your windows…and shut your doors
Rest assures…you are reckless
You are ugly…you are fruitless
Lacking zest…you are shameless
No beauty…and no freshness
You are a killer…and you are ruthless

The Endeared Nour - Poetry

By Dr. Bani Hani

I feel somber…I feel sad
Lovely Nour…is the cure
She is smiling…not a dour
Gorgeous…polite…not a boor
If I had more of Nour
I'll be rich…and won't be poor
Cheerful…happy…not a gloom
Lovely Nour…has a pride
She ascended…to the height
Peaceful…tolerant…and no spites
She is a great… pretty queen
Charming…nice…and very bright
She is smart…and she is light
A beauty…comforts…and delights
Tender…sweet…and she is might
Her problems…are so slight
In my blood…she swims
On my heart…she slides
Beautiful…quite…and sublime
With a soul…so blithe
With good deeds…she is in love
And bad things…she derides
Vivid…lucid…in my mind
Soft spoken…and pleasant smile
Standing always…in my sight
Standing always…in my side
She is kind…and she is neat
Atop my heart…she has peaked
To my soul…she has sneaked
With compassion…and brilliant feats
Seeing she…is a feast
Loving her…is a treat
With hugs and kisses…she fights
Lovely Nour…is a delight
Lovely Nour… condescend
Talk to me…and don't resent
My heart…can not bear
My esteem…don't offend
O Nour…you are a delight
I'm in need…to your love…
My heart…you confined
Abandoning me…is a condign
Lovely Nour…you are a cure

Dedicated to Nour Bani Hani

يـاعـزيـزة - شعر غنائي


بقلم د. بني هاني

أنـتِ نـارٌ وعـذابٌ ... ودمـارٌ وسـعيرْ...

وكـيانٌ يكوي نفسيْ ... وشرارٌ ولهيـبْ ...

أنـتِ ثورة ... في عروقي ...

أنـتِ في جسـدي ... حريـقْ ...

أنـتِ نـجمٌ ... أنـتِ شـمسٌ ...

أنـتِ سـحرٌ ... وبريـقٌ ...

أنـتِ في قلـبي سـهامٌ ... وجراحٌ وأنـينْ ...

أنـتِ حـبٌ ... أنـتِ صـدقٌ ...

أنـتِ دربٌ ... وصـديقْ ...

ووفـاءٌ ... وسـماحٌ ...

وطـريقٌ ... وخـلـيلْ ...

فـي ذهـابٍ ... وأيـابٍ ...

فـي سـكون ٍ ... ورحـيلْ ...

قـد أصـابَ الـعـشـقُ مـني ...

كلُ مـجـرى و وَريـدْ ...

أنـتِ نفسـيْ ... أنـتِ كـونيْ ...

وشـريـكٌ ... وحـبـيـبْ ...

إنـنـي أغـرَقُ فـيـك ِ ...

لافـظـا ً نـَفـَسـيْ الأخـيـرْ ...

وسـهـَامُـك أوقـعـتـنـي ...

وفـؤادي بـالـصـمـيـم ...

أنـتِ لـيـليْ ... ونـهاريْ ...

وقـيودٌ مـن حـديـدْ ...

كـبّـلـتْ نـفـس َ مُـتـَيّـمْ ...

حـطـمـتْ قـلـبـاً عـلـيـلْ ...

أنـتِ قـمـرٌ ... وزمـانٌ ...

أنـتِ بـركـانٌ عظـيـمْ ...

يـسـجـرُ الـروحَ بـشـوق ٍ ...

فـي شــهـيـق ٍ و زفـيـرْ ...

أنـتِ نـهـرٌ ... أنـت بـحـرٌ ...

أغـرقَ جـسـمـاً سـقـيـمْ ...

أنـتِ ريـحٌ ... وشـتـاءٌ ...

أنـتِ إعـصـارٌ شـديـدْ ...

حـطـّمـتْ شـاطئ َ كـونـيْ ...

دمـّرتْ كـلَ نـفـيـسْ ...

أغـرَقـتـنـيْ فـي هـَيـَام ٍ ...

جـَعـَلـَتْ مـنـي شـَهـيـدْ ...


Mohsin the Caring Father - free poetry

Mohsin, the Caring Father
By Dr. Bani Hani

Mohsin had revealed to me
He really…did speak to me
He came to me…in my dream
And sneaked…quietly…in my bed

His soul…has instructed me
It shook my body…and rubbed my eyes
And told me…strange things
And divulged to me…many secrets

About the sun…about the moon

About the weak ... about the strong

About the rich... about poor

About the stout…about the effete
About him…and about you

He wanted me…to think and sing
So I sang to thee…so many songs
To please him…and please you

He asked me…to love you
And asked me…to adore you
And asked me…to stand with thee
And asked me…to wipe your tears

He asked me…to hold your hand
And asked me…to level the sand
And asked me…to pave the road
And asked me…to ascend with thee
Atop the stars…and above the moon
Then reach high…to the highest sun
To bring a blaze…back with me
To lighten the road…and cheer your soul

Queen AAryastica

Queen AAryastica
By Dr. Bani Hani
I wish to know

AAryastica…you have a secret…who are you

I wish to know

You have a spell
Aid me to wake up

Help me to know…I wish to know

Why do I ask myself many times…and quarrel with my soul all the

Times?…I wish to know

I wish to know why Am I enslaved…and entangled by your Might

I wish to know

I wish to know why you, always,…stand in my Sight?...I wish to


I wish to know…how you gird me…in your veins so secured and so

Tight?...I wish to know

I wish to know…why you are my preferred Site…of admiration
of joy…and of Cite?...I wish to know
I wish to know…why is your soul so lucid…and so Bright?...I wish

to know…

I wish to know…how you can, always…shine and emit Light?...I wish

to know…

I wish to know…why does your spirit avoid day time…and come

only at Night?...I wish to know…

Why Am I, with your soul…and with your heart, in a constant Fight
I wish to know

Why is my soul is in constant Flight?... I wish to know

AAryastica…the issue is troubling my soul…and killing my mind
Is it your Vividness…your Spell…or is it a hidden Tie?...I wish to


AAryastica…I've seen you in a dream…carrying a Golden Trident
On each prong…you installed fifty swords

At each sword…you installed fifty spikes

With each spike…you hit me fifty times
With each hit…you kill me fifty times
Am I dead…or still alive…I don't know

AAryastica…who are you…I wish to know

Dedicated to Queen Phoenix AAryastica

From Dr. Bani Hani


In a Black Widow's Nest

In a Black Widow's Nest

By Dr. Bani Hani

O my son…be vigilant
O my son…be aware
Never attempt…to go in there

A Black Widow is inside
Shining for you
Calling on you…to dance with her

She comes to you
And knocks your door
And winks to you
And dazzles you
And lures you…for an affair

She calls you
To a nest of mare
For a fantasy…and surely…fatal destiny
With a stoical face…and a faint of care

She takes the bra
Then shows the breast
And offers you a special kiss
Then digs your grave…she wouldn't care

She had once called me
And had once asked me
If I miss her…I'd never dare

On the spot …I…lost my mind
And instantly lost my eyes
And…after that…I lost my brain

I'm still under agony
And still under suffering
I was in faint…and full of pain

My death…luckily…was reprieved
And hope…was then increased…I was aware

She has…more than fifty legs
And has more than fifty hands
And has more than fifty stings…she is in vain

She hugs you…among them
And stings you with all of them…she couldn't care

On your flesh…she eats and grows
On your blood…she feeds and drinks
On your bones…she bites and gnaws

She can stealthy crouch
And can stealthy fly
And can stealthy walk…in a freezing air
She has flair

She has weapons…in her mouth
Gazing at you…with fifty eyes
Aiming at you…wishing to bite

She sounds like…a baby buck…or like
An innocent kitten duck…you wouldn't tell

She acts like…a baby buck…or like
A little innocent duck…living at hill

With a sugary shell…outside
And poisonous honey…inside…you can't tell

Her name starts…with a "D"
And name ends…with an "H"…a sign of ill

For,…"D"…stands for a death
And…"H"…stands for a hell

She had once stung me
Allah had rescued me
My lord had saved me…a story to tell…a wisdom to tell

Dr. Bani Hani


Two in One: the Ghost Story

Two in One: The Ghost Story

By Dr. Bani Hani

My mind thinks
My heart beats
My eyes tear
All sensations are in fear

You have soul
I have two
You are first of the two

I take air from your lungs
I'm fed by your tongue

You can read with my eyes
I'm thinking in your mind

I'm walking with your foot
You've caught me with your hook

Through your senses I depict
Strange dreams I detect
With this feeling you can see
Those two souls are in thee

With a spirit of two souls …We are one 'n' we are sole

Out of spirit we are none

With this feeling you can see
I've tried to please thee

Never try to suspect
That your soul is to flee
You and I are in one
You and I are in one

My sensations are in thee
Your sensations are in me

Your sensations have detected
That my love never deflected
Our soul is inflicted
With a pain if neglected

To my heart you've crossed
With your love I'm engrossed

… In your love I'm engrossed
….By your love I'm engrossed

To my heart you are a crown
In your love I've drowned
Save my life with your boat
… Save my life with your boat
… Save my life with your boat

Cover me of the cold
With your heat and your warmth

And a kiss from the lipsAnd a breath from the mouth
And a taste from the breast
With a thrust from the throat

For… you have a scent
So sweet and so distinct
Your compassion never extinct
It revives all senses…and enlivens all instincts

It is thee I implore
Have your heart open door
Luck of me I deplore… if my presence is abhorred

Then my soul will implode
And your spirit will explode!!!… And your spirit will explode

O Allah, forgive me
O my Lord, forgive me

I just woke up of a sleep
And just woke up from a dream
And uncertain of the scene
And uncertain of what I've seen

Someone entered into my soul
A phantom entered into my soul
A ghost entered into my soul
Swam and walked in my stream
And ascended to my tongue
And then knocked on my door

He created mass confusions
And then made strong distractions
And then made wide destruction
To my mind
To my heart
To my eyes
And to my soul

My mind no longer thinks
My heart no longer beats
And my eyes no longer wink

If senses are in my eyes
Then all senses are squint
And all senses are blind
All my senses are blind

Dr. Bani Hani


Nectar of Life - Wisdom

Nectar of Life
Dear son, dear daughter…listen to me…
With your senses…listen to me…
With all senses…Listen to me…
Look at me…hear me…touch me…feel me…and taste the flavor of my words…for my words are the nectars of life…
I'm here to guide you…to hold your hand…and ascend with you…to the Sublime…
The Almighty Allah…has bestowed upon me...uncountable bounties:
He conceals my inabilities and defects…but revealed my capabilities and effects…
He conceals my inner defects, which He knows...but I don't know…and others don't know…
He conceals my defects, which He knows…and I know…but others don't know…
He conceals my defects, which He knows…I know…and others know…but he mitigates their meanings in the hearts of others…
Try to close an eye on the defects and faults of others…but not on their perfidious behaviors…

Dear son…
Never be taken by the appearance of anything…Delve deeper into the essence…then decide…
Never let ostensible beauty cheat you…for beauty, sometimes, belies a great deal of physical and moral ugliness…
Never accept to descend from the sublime to the ridiculous…You may lose your credibility and self esteem…
Never lie about anything…A lie weighs more than one's heart…That is why a liar's heart ossifies…A normal heart can never bear a falsehood…
Don't take a liar as a friend…you will never know when he is going to lie to you…or what he is going to foist upon you…
Never envy people because they are rich…for wealth could be a curse on the wealthy…while poverty could be a wealth or bounty for the poor…Think about the Universal Equilibrium…a poor's happiness may be equivalent to a rich's misery…The similitude of wealth versus poverty is like an object standing in front of a mirror…you may never be able to differentiate between the actual object and its image in the mirror…any of them could be the image…
Never deposit your secrets with anyone…except your father or mother…Your father and mother want the absolute goodness for you…Brothers or wife may wish you the good…but they may conspire against you as well…Jacob told his son Joseph: don't tell your brothers about what you have seen in your sleep, (dream)…
Don't earn your livelihood through immoral, unlawful or illegal means…Be always straight and decent…Illegal means are always prohibitive in cost, whether moral or material…You will be bludgeoned, somehow, somewhere to pay it back…in kind…in cash…in health or happiness…The two latter are worst in life, and the hereafter…
Don't commit a perfidy…for Allah doesn't like perfidious…
You are instructed to pardon who does you an injustice…to give who gives you not…and keep in touch with those who abandon you… (Saying by Prophet Mohammad)…
You are instructed to do the good for the sake of Allah…and forsake bad and evil for the sake of the Allah…if you do these things for the sake of anyone else, you will not taste the sweetness of Faith…
Remember the 4dges' rule:
1- Never burn a bridge, which connects you with others…even if they are your enemies…
2- Never get near the edge of anything…Be in the middle…use your brain and wisdom…
3- Never put a wedge between you and others…or among others…
4- Never pledge to do something if you can't do it…
Don't act as a prig…You have been constructed (raised) over so many years of trials and errors…successes and failures…
Don't cavil at anything…especially trivialities…You either say things that have value…or keep quite…
Don't expect people to be perfect…We are, naturally, imperfect…
Don't be capricious…moody people are usually abhorred…
Be a good listener…and pay close attention to who speaks to you…listen more and speak less…
Look at matters from all facets…and all sides…You may see the truth in one of them…
Be amusing not facetious…
Don't ever be shy of being poor…but you must be shy of behaving as a poor…You must differentiate between poverty per se and poverty culture…for poverty culture is associated with vulgarity and low-class…
Don't ever trust:
A whore…a journalist…and a politician…Any of those three is ready to do anything to get what he/she wants…The whore looks after money at the expense of honor…The journalist seeks fame at the expense of honesty…whereas a politician wants authority and power at the expense of people whom he lied to…all these aims and means are corruptive by their nature…
Think profoundly before you speak…
Be a soft-spoken…and humble…Lukman the Wise asked his son to speak gently…He said that the worst sounds are those of donkeys…
Walk gently…humbly… and moderately…neither fast nor slow…Don't ever prance like a peacock…The way a person walks is a sign of his humility…
Eat moderately…and modestly…for a stomach is not a container that a person must fill…
Don't ever be a greedy or stingy…For greed you will pay your dignity and integrity, and morals…For stinginess will pay your happiness…

Dr. Bani Hani

عمان يا شمس الحياة - شعر غنائي

عمان يا شمس الحياة
عزيزة بني هاني

عمان ... يا شمس الحياة ...
عمان ... يا قمرالزمان ...
عمان ... يا نجم الهدى ...
ورد و زهر ... وبحر العطا ...
عمان الخل ... والوفا ...
وطن المودة ... والدفى ...
انت العشق ... وانت الهوى ...
انت شوقي ... وانت الدوا ...
وادي ... وجبل ... سهل ... وشفا ...
انت نهر ... ما ينتسى ...
كل البشر ... بعشق انكوى ...
بكل المداين ... والقرى ...
غور وخليج ... رمثا وحسا ...
سلط وصحارى ... ارض وسما...
قلبي بعذابك ... يبتلى ...
صيف وخريف ... ثلج وشتا ...
يدفق محبة ... ينضح ندى ...
يسقي ورد ... يقطف كمى ...
شوقي إلك ... ماينتفى ...
يحرق حريق ... يعمي عمى ...
عمان ... قلبك يحتوي ...
كل المنابت والأصول ...
دين ... وعرق ... يمزج مزج ...
يزرع ورد ... وينبت زهور...
يصنع شعب ... تحت الرحى ...
وينتج عزايم ... من صخور ...
عمان ... يانبع الصفا ...
عمان يا طهر الثرى ...
أصل الكرم ... وجذر السخا ...

رسالة من غزي إلى أخيه العربي - شعر حر

رسالة من غزي إلى أخيه العربي
في يوم الهجوم على غزة هاشم
بقلم د. بني هاني

يا أحبتي...يا إخوتي...ياعزوتي...
أيقِظوني مِنْ كابوسِ ٍ...هائج ٍ...مائج ٍ...يغرقني...
أفيقوني مِنْ حُلم ِليلةِ شتاءٍ...يعصِفُ بنفسي...ويزلزلُ مهجعي...
يحوّلُ الأحلامَ إلى دماءْ...والآمال إلى عظامْ...
ينكدُّ عليَّ نومي...ويقضُّ مضجعي...
إنقذوا ما تبقى مني...وأقيلوا عثرتي...
واجبروا ذاتيَّ المكسورةُ...من أيام ِطفولتي...
وأعينوني من نفسي...على نفسي...في محنتي...
ولملموا شعثيَ... الذي إلى كل ِ سماء ٍ تطايرْ...وعلى كل ِ أرض ٍ تناثر...
ألا ترونَ دموع َ الفجع ِ...تنبجسُ من عيني...؟
* * * * * *
ألا تسمعون أنين الموت...وآهات الجوائح...تُلفظُ من الأعماق...؟
وعواصفَ القتلِ والتخريب...تنطلق في كل الآفاق...؟
قد بلغَ قلبي حنجرتي...وضاقت عليّ دنيايَ...وما رحُبتْ سمائي وأرضي...
ليس من عدو ٍ يتجهمُني...ولا موت ٍ يغتالنُي...من بين يديَ...ومن خلفي..
بل مما أسمعُ وأرى...ولِمَ يشيحُ أخي...بوجهه عني...
وكيف أصبح البَشَرُ... حجارا ًو رمادا ً...تذروها رياحُ التغريب من حولي...
لايصبر ولايقرر...ولاينطق ولايهمس...ولا للحياة يغني...
ضمدوا معي جرحا ً عميقا ً...يهزُّ روحي...ويؤلم ذاكرتي...
ويُعيدُني إلى حال ٍ...أنسى فيه نفسي وكياني...
لمْْ أعُد معهُ أتذكرُ...تاريخي وجغرافيتي...
وأصْلي وفصْلي...ومنبتي ومسكني...
ويخلط عليَّ الأوراق...ويمزجُ الأخوة َ...مع الأعداء...
فَبِتُ أعيشُ في عالم ٍ غريبٍ...عجيبْ...
ليس لي فيه...أدنى نصيب...
إلا ّ القتلُ والتشريد...والتهديدُ والوعيد...
إذا لم أستكنْ لخلطاء الظلام... والمتمردين على السماء...
والقراصنة...واللصوص أجمعين...
فالظلمُ فيه من جناة ِ الليلِ ِ...من سقط ِ البشر...قد سد الطريق...
وأغلق أماميَ المنافذ َ...وبذرَ الموتَ على كل سبيل...
وأهال في دربيَ الموانعَ والسدود...وأشعلَ النارَ في الأخدود...
وزَرَع َ الأرضَ خرابا ً...ودمارا ً...أنبَتَ يئسا ً بلا حدودْ...
وأثمَرَ قتلاَ ً وتنكيلا ًَ...وطفحَ ألما ً وتعذيبا ً...وتكبيلا ً بالحديد ِ والقيودْ...
يُعينهم في ذلك...حلِفُ الشهوةِ والشيطانْ...
وجمعٌ من الطُرشانِ...والخُرسان...
وحشدُ الجهلةِ...والعميان...
وجشعُ الكبير...وجهلُ الغريبْ...
وجُبنُ الصغير...وصمتُ الشريفْ...
لمصلحة من...ومن أجل ماذا...؟ والجواب هو...
ليشردوا ذاك...وينهبواهذا...
وكذا فعلوا في كل مكان...
في فلسطين والسودان...
في كشمير...ولبنان...
في فطاني...والعراق...
فأين الفضاء الذي لم يدّنسوه...والشعب الذي لم يهينوه...والمورد الذي لم ينهبوه...؟
فماذا تروني فاعل...؟...أأستكين لكل طامع ٍمارقْ...؟...أو قاطع ِطريق ٍ...سارقْ...؟
فهذه شكواي إبتداءَ...أغيثوني...أغيثوني...أغيثوني...
* * * * * *
تذكرّوا يا أحبتي...أنَ لنا مع بدء الزمان...حكاية...
وأنها قديمة ٌ...كأبي رغال ٍ مع الأحباشْ...
وأبي جهل ٍ مع الأشراف...وأبي بكر ٍ مع العقال...
ولؤلؤةٍ مع الخطاّبْ...وأبن سبأٍ مع علي ٍ والأعرابْ...
فلما الجحودُ ولما الفرارْ...ولما الروؤسُ نـُطأطئها تحت الرمالْ...
فأصلُ حكايتنا...جاء مع ديننا... وبدأ معها الزمان...
فهيهات أن يكون هناك سلامْ...وهيهيات أن يرضى عنا المارقون...عبر الأزمانْ...
وشرطهم الوحيد للرضى...وكف الأذى...والأمانْ...
هو أن نرمي جلودنا...وننكر نبي آخر الزمانْ...
ونشرب ُ الخمرَ...حتى نثمل...ونرقصُ مع الجواري والقينات...
A Grief of Palestinian Children
By Dr. Bani Hani

My fellow creatures…!
My fellow children…!
Can't you hear…?
Can't you see…?
Can't you feel…?
Don't you have fellow feelings…?
Don't you have some tears…?
For heaven sake…I cry out loud…!
And sadly weep…!
I'm full of agony…bemoan my fate…!
With rage I shriek…!
I groan under pain…!
With torture and scream…!
I call upon all the dears…!
With torment and grieve…!
No one listens…no one looks…!
And no one heeds…!
On earth…in heaven…in all the realms…!
I make a de profundis screech…!
Bend down…moan…and kneel…!
I'm thirsty…and hungry…!
And crawl for relief...!
I crouch to my mom…!
With no hands…and no feet…!
I found her disconsolate…!
Somber and bereaved…!
I cry…and innocently ask…!
With pain…with frown…!
And with grief …!
Am I a human…or Am I a beast…?
* * * * * *
Little sisters…and brothers…!
Wounded by the generals…!
Humbly ask…and in fear!
What are we…to thee…?
A flock of birds…or geese…?
Mice…goats…or sheep…?
Smashed and prepared…for a luau…!
Boiled and cooked…for a treat…!
May be…more humanly…!
We are a herd of deer…!
Slaughtered…torn and seared…!
Massacred…seasoned…and grilled…!
For that holy feast…!
To abate the generals anger…!
But their wrath…can't be cooled…!
Their madness won't be appeased…!
They said it many times…
Carnage will never ease…!
We shall kill…we shall burn…!
We shall murder as we please…!
* * * * * * *
Is that the promised peace…?
Or is it another brilliant Israeli feat…?
I don't know…for/
They find my flesh palatable…
At my bones they gnaw…
And on my blood they feed…!
Our question hasn't been answered…!
Are we human…or are we beasts…?
If you say we are human…I would have a doubt…!
For…the sky went drought…!
And our lives have ceased…!
* * * * * *
Those of you…whom I called…
O the inhabitants of the globe…
Look at me…touch me…sense me…!
Haven't you seen my bloods…?
Haven't you felt my soul…?
Haven't you seen my flesh…?
Sliced…ground and burned…
Haven't you seen my bones…?
Crushed and ground in mills
Haven't you smelled my flesh…?
Grilled and fried in hell…
Haven't you heard me gasping…?
Inhaling dust…and smoke…
Haven't you seen me starving…?
Eating grass…and soil…
Haven't you sense me suffering…?
Haven't you seen my tears...?
Boots on my face tread…eking my living in siege…
* * * * * *
Many rainy nights…!
Sleeping cold on mud…!
Many sweltering days…!
Languished under the sun…!
Many years of agonies…!
Many years of disgust…!
With anguish and sufferings…!
And showered with insults…!
* * * * * *
Where are the human rights…?
My future doesn't bode bright…!
With blood and stains around…!
Graves and frightening nights…!
My life is a misery…
Grim and a great plight…!
* * * * * *
You the Israelis…
Christ had asked before…
What shall it profit a man…?
If he shall gain the whole world…
And lose his own soul…???
But your hearts…became hardened…
As steel…rocks and stones…
I insist on my question…are we human…or are beasts…?
I finally found out…
Man kind to you is nothing…
But herds of different beasts…!!!
Dr. Bani Hani

يا هـاشـم أنت أمل - شعر نبطي

يا هاشم أنت أمل

عزيزة بني هاني


يا هاشم ... أنت بعد ربي رجا ...
وأنت وعد ... وأنت أمل...
عِزّة بعد رحليك ... ورغم الجراح ...
صنعت من النار ... نصر وقِمَمْ...
يا هاشم ... كبر الرجا بعد النصر ...
وكبر الوعد ...بنفوس الناس ...
وكبر العز والأمل...
وسرت بجسمي ... نشوة ... بألم !!! ...
وذرفت عيوني ... دمعات حزن ... مخلوطة بأمل...
فأقسمت برب الكون... لو أقلع شوك...
وأسقي من دمي الأرض ... والحجر ...
تقطف ورد وزهور ... وعز وأمل...
يا هاشم ... أنت قلت ...
لولا الأمل ... بعد الرب ...
ما بقي بقلوب الناس ... حب العمل...
وأنت قلت إن العمل ... ذروة سنام الدين ...
وإن الهزيمة ... بنت حرام ...
بنت الخوف ... والكسل ...
أمها دنيا دنيئة ... أجمعت معهم ...
على حب التعاسة ... والفشل ...
وإن النصر ... إبن حلال ...
ينفي الوجل ... وفوق العدا... يصنع زلل ...
وأنت قلت ... إن العمل ... قادر يرجع الشمس ...
بعد الغروب ... لنص السما ...ويرجع معها النور ...
و حب الخير ... والعمل...
يا هاشم ... وأنت قلت ... إن الإرادة والعمل ...
تجعل من الإنسان ... نسر جارح ...
أو صقر ... أو حتى حجل...
يحمل بثمه حجار ونار ... وسيوف وشرر...
يهزم فيها كواسر... ووحوش ...
مثل الضبع والذيب ... أو نمر وأسد ...
ويقدر يرفع فوق السما أثقال ...
ثعبان وفيل ... أو صخرة وجمل ...
وأنت قلت ... إنه إلي يوطن نفسه ... على المكروه ...
ينزل عليه ... بعد الألم ...نِعمْ
من السما ... وسمن وعسل...
يا هاشم ... وأذكر أنك قلت ... بيوم من الأيام...
إن النصر ... ساعة صبر ...
وإن الكسر ... لحظة سأم ...
وإن الصبور ... ماتهزه ريح ...
مهما الضواري إجمعت ... وتكاثرت ...
صامد شموخ ... مثل الصخور ...
قلبه جسور ... ومثل الجبل ...
أما الجبان ... عينه ما تنام ...
ضعف ايمان ... وهن نفوس ... ويأس وملل ...
مثل النعام ... يدسن روس ... تحت الرمال ...
خوف من الموت ... من نمر جوال ... من أسد
مثل سمك ... بحوض سماك ...
مثل نعجة ... مثل خروف ...
عند جزار ... مثل الحمل ...
وأنت قلت...إن الليل مهما طال...
لابد يتبعه فجر جميل...
تعلى معه الرايات والهمم...
وإن العاصفة الهوجا...والريح الاصفر...
رح يحدثوا خراب كثير... ودمارمن بعده شلل...
لكنها بتنتهي بشتا غزير...
ومطر خير... مافيه زبد...
وترتوي الأرض...وينبت الزرع...
وتكثر معه الأرزاق...وتزيد النِعَمْ...
وتغني الشمس مع الفلاح...
نشيد الحب ... والحان ونغم...

يا هاشم ... وأنت قلت كلام خطير...
كررته كثير ... بلا كلل ...
قلت إن الرب ما يحب إنسان ... ما يتوجع ...
قلبه مات ... من شهوة ... من حب دنيا...
من حب كرسي ... وكثر دجل ...
وإنه ما يجعلنا كبار ... إلا ايمان ...وهدم صنم..
وعمل دؤوب ... وفيض كبير...
من حِمَمْ... ودم وألم ...
وكانت آخر نصايحك...لبنتك عِزة...
لاتخافي يابنتي...ولا تشعري بذنب...أو أدنى ندم ...
وخليكي رافعه الراس... بشمم وأنَف ...
ولاتسمعي كلام زور ... وكذب كثير وقلة خجل...

When Madness Prevails: Lessons from History - Polictical Analysis

By Dr. Bani Hani
Some historians assert that history doesn't repeat itself. However, and due to its very dynamic nature, there are others who believe that history does actually repeat itself. More importantly history doesn't proceed over a straight line. Some strategist may have the ability to plan for, and predict what lies 10 or 20 years ahead. But under no circumstance can anyone predict with exact certainty what may happen in the near future. We can see, sometimes with aberration, what lies before our eyes, but we are unable to see what lies behind history's curvatures and detours. That is why wars, disasters and calamities occur. I don't wish to be pedantic, but evidences are numerous, which show that a given nation might not be given the opportunity to play the same role twice, during the course of its life or in history, in general.

This phenomenon is evident when one looks at the rise and demise of historic empires; from the Roman, through the Mogul, to the British Empire. I call this phenomenon a semi law, which can easily be applied at low level power, such as the Crusaders in the Greater Syria (GS), (i.e. Palestine, Lebanon, and Jordan) from the early 1090s until they were evicted, (or ejected), from the area at the hand of Saladin. The former racist regime in South Africa (SA) is another example.

That regime came to an end after many years of bloodshed and sufferings of South Africans. It was ended under the determination of people like Nelson Mandela, (while in jail) and his fighting comrades. Determination, then, triumphed over force, and legitimacy triumphed over false claims.

From the perspective of the overwhelming majority of Arabs, the situation of Israel in historic Palestine is an exact replica of those two latter powers, (i.e. the Crusaders in GS, and the Apartheid regime is SA). As the majority of Arabs maintain, Israel, as a Jewish entity, had been foisted, willy-nilly, upon the Arab region as a project of the victorious powers, after WWII, aiming at dividing the Arabs and quelling their resistance against colonial subversion and dominance. Its creation process starkly resembles that of the Crusaders' bastions in GS, and the Apartheid regime in SA. In the beginning, such entities normally start with small settlements, mainly agriculture, fortified later with other facilities, and then undergo an expansion process. At an advance stage the collection of settlements make up a de facto state(s), and with a help from external powers, the foisted states gain a de jure status at the international arena. They gain the right to: vote, have a say in international matters, have the right to enslave locals and suppress their revolts when occur, and gain the ability to develop an efficient militaristic arms to subdue any regional threat. But among the most crucial characteristics of such entities is their ability to implicate external powers in the crisis they engage in. By the very nature of their emergence, they are able to recruit and draw inter-regional powers, to their side, to aid them in times of crises. History tells us that the Crusaders had been very successful in drawing the attentions and interests of most European powers. Major players during that era were England and France. The racist regime in South Africa had, for decades, enjoyed the indulgence, assistance and protection of the USA, the UK and other European countries.

When the chronology of the creation process of Israel is pursued for investigation, one may find that Israel is the analogue of the Crusaders in GS and the Apartheid regime in SA. More specifically, at the start of the 20th century, the Jews in historic Palestine constituted less than 10% of the total dwellers. They mainly settled in farms. Palestine was then under the British occupation. After the so called Belfour Declaration, overt and covert mass transfer of Jews from Europe to Palestine began. By the 1930s Jewish settlers formed armed forces and started to harass the locals, and before the termination of the British mandate over Palestine, the settlers had gained control of a large area of the country. In 1947 the 1st partition of Palestine took place, approximately 50% of the land became under Jewish control. In 1948 the truce line was identified, with more than two third of the land taken by the new Jewish state.
By 1967 all of Palestine, the Egyptian Sinai and Syrian Golan heights were under full Israeli occupation. This process of enlargement and expansion, however, from the planning stage to create the Jewish state to its realization in 1948, shows that the Jewish body within the Arab region had been installed at an extremely rapid and perilous rate.
When one looks at the geopolitical and geostrategic picture of the Middle East, and the world at large, it is shocking to see the resemblance of what was in the 1090s to what was at the start of the 1850s and on. In both eras the Islamic world was divided; many states and many rulers were striving against each other. Ignorance and poverty dominate the scene. In the 1090s the ambience was so perfect for the region to be infiltrated by an external power. At that time, Europe was suffering from economic problems, and fanaticism and fundamentalism concurred. As a result of this concurrence, the Crusaders came under the shadows of swords and established their state. Amazingly, that state lasted for nearly 200 years. It took Saladin 20 years of diligence and preparation to unite the Muslims and Arabs to eject the Crusaders outside the region, and obliterate their roots. In the 1850s, however, the Muslim Arabs, in the Middle East, were under the weakened Ottomans' rule. Poverty and ignorance, also, dominate. The European industrial powers wanted to expand the economic gains resulted from the industrial revolution. The political and economic conditions in the Middle East were almost the same as those of the 1090s. The environment was, also, perfect to attract external powers into the area, and it happened that France and England were the two powers who invited themselves. They came, under the force of artilleries and well-equipped solders, with a similar agenda; the creation of a permanent wedge in the area; a Jewish state in the very heart of the Arab region, instead of a Crusader one.
Sixty years have already elapsed since the forced establishment of Israel on Palestine, with many, positive and negative, developments taken place since then, and many wars broke out. Contemporary history acknowledges the political, economic and technical superiority of Israel over her Arab neighbors. This particular situation was not different, at all, from its counterpart during the Crusaders' era. The similarities are shocking, represented in the relentless support of the USA and Europe to Israel, and the ability of Israel to engage and mobilize the NATO in her favor, in an endeavor to force her will, and optimize her security.
The presence of Israel during the past sixty years had, actually, rendered the world confused and ambivalent as to the standards and rules that must govern the international socio-political game. To clarify what I mean by this, the following points may epitomize the nature of the issue:

1- Europe and the USA had entered two destructive wars (WWI & WWII) on the basis of deterring German aggression against European countries and defending democracy!
2- Israel was created, by force, on a land owned by the Palestinian Arabs, who were forced out of their home land, in order to suit the false historical claims of Jews.
3- Israel represents an unprecedented and untamed force, with illegitimate ambitions, and destructive capabilities that exceed her actual needs, and a geopolitical domain similar to that of a superpower.
4- Based on her material superiority, and with the consent of superpowers that are supposed to defend democracy and human rights, Israel-since her inception- has constantly and continuously, violated all human and international laws, including the killing of innocent children and women, and the illegal destruction or confiscation of others' properties.
5- Many countries, including superpower ones, have enacted laws, and in some cases have reformed their legal structures, to suit the Israeli's wishes. In other words, the whole world is adjusting for the needs of Israel. Recent examples include Belgium and Spain.
6- The USA and UK have, on behalf of Israel, invaded Iraq and unabashedly obliterated the working apparatus of that state, just to please Israel.
7- Hamas, and through a clean democratic process, won a landslide election in Palestine. But the West has, arbitrarily and based on an Israeli fiat, rejected the outcome.
8- If an Israeli soldier (or civilian) is killed, a superpower like the USA or even France rushes to the UN Security Council to condemn the incident, with the harshest possible language, accompanied with explicit and implicit threats against the Arabs. But when thousands of Palestinians got killed or wounded, the very same superpowers call for a self-restrain.

In the midst of this deafening and annoying political cacophony, it's worth our while to take a respite and look profoundly into the subject matter, in an attempt to comprehend the lessons of a nearly 1000 years of history. This is a necessary, because we sometimes deluge ourselves with trivial details, and forget the perils of the issue at hand.
In order to further our understanding of the matter, let's look at the picture of 1948 and compare it with the present one. In 1948, most Muslim and Arab countries were either under foreign control or just graduated from that control; backwardness, ignorance and poverty prevail. Knowledge of sophisticated technology was very low.

Today's picture is totally different. We can see that nowadays Muslim and Arab countries enjoy varying degrees of independence and knowledge. Pakistan is a member of the nuclear club, while Iran seems to be ratcheting up her nuclear program, and may join the club soon. Nuclear technology seems obtainable, with relative ease, through surreptitious activities. In addition, one can through money extend his/her outreach, including the ability to possess arms and lethal weapons, dirty bombs, labs that can produce biological or chemical weapons …etc, with all the potential disastrous effects that we can imagine if such things reached the hands of certain groups.
We may need to remember, once in a while, that with all the intelligence gathering capability of the USA, the attacks of September 11, 2001 couldn't be deterred!
After 60 years of wars and despondent trials to achieve peace, in tandem with a constant Israeli refusal to compromise, one shouldn't dismiss the possibility of dreadful and disastrous scenarios, given our basic assumption that history walks on curvatures, rather than straight lines.
The present Israel is surrounded by a band of more than 500 million Arabs and Muslims. At least 4 countries, namely Egypt, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan, with population of more than 350 million people, have developed or have the potentials to develop un-deter-able weapons of mass destruction. There are no guarantees, what so ever, to prevent a group of individuals who possess the so called "Martyrdom Spirit" from ascending to top political positions, then seize such weapons, and use them!
Nowadays technology, regional tension, financial crisis, deprivation, hatred and despair, coupled with a defunct deterrence theory, make a perfect incubator for such a scenario, and present all the requisites to a great disaster!

The Muslims and Arabs can't be looked at as credulous any more. The Muslim world, nowadays, is embroiled with the constant humiliation from the West, while the Israelis indulge themselves in killing innocent children and women, and deepening their occupation of the Palestinian land. I believe that there are hundreds of secret movements, scattered around the world, with thoughts that are beyond our imagination or comprehension. I can see embers beneath the huge pile of ash. I can, also, feel and see what people think, imagine and wish. They are grave and chilling by all means. My advice… "To Whom It May Concern"…let's pause and think, before a de profundis screeches emerge from so many hearts
In the Arabic aphorism, it's said: "…Take Wisdom from the Mouth of the Mad…"