الأربعاء، فبراير 04، 2009

Queen AAryastica

Queen AAryastica
By Dr. Bani Hani
I wish to know

AAryastica…you have a secret…who are you

I wish to know

You have a spell
Aid me to wake up

Help me to know…I wish to know

Why do I ask myself many times…and quarrel with my soul all the

Times?…I wish to know

I wish to know why Am I enslaved…and entangled by your Might

I wish to know

I wish to know why you, always,…stand in my Sight?...I wish to


I wish to know…how you gird me…in your veins so secured and so

Tight?...I wish to know

I wish to know…why you are my preferred Site…of admiration
of joy…and of Cite?...I wish to know
I wish to know…why is your soul so lucid…and so Bright?...I wish

to know…

I wish to know…how you can, always…shine and emit Light?...I wish

to know…

I wish to know…why does your spirit avoid day time…and come

only at Night?...I wish to know…

Why Am I, with your soul…and with your heart, in a constant Fight
I wish to know

Why is my soul is in constant Flight?... I wish to know

AAryastica…the issue is troubling my soul…and killing my mind
Is it your Vividness…your Spell…or is it a hidden Tie?...I wish to


AAryastica…I've seen you in a dream…carrying a Golden Trident
On each prong…you installed fifty swords

At each sword…you installed fifty spikes

With each spike…you hit me fifty times
With each hit…you kill me fifty times
Am I dead…or still alive…I don't know

AAryastica…who are you…I wish to know

Dedicated to Queen Phoenix AAryastica

From Dr. Bani Hani


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