الأربعاء، فبراير 04، 2009

In a Black Widow's Nest

In a Black Widow's Nest

By Dr. Bani Hani

O my son…be vigilant
O my son…be aware
Never attempt…to go in there

A Black Widow is inside
Shining for you
Calling on you…to dance with her

She comes to you
And knocks your door
And winks to you
And dazzles you
And lures you…for an affair

She calls you
To a nest of mare
For a fantasy…and surely…fatal destiny
With a stoical face…and a faint of care

She takes the bra
Then shows the breast
And offers you a special kiss
Then digs your grave…she wouldn't care

She had once called me
And had once asked me
If I miss her…I'd never dare

On the spot …I…lost my mind
And instantly lost my eyes
And…after that…I lost my brain

I'm still under agony
And still under suffering
I was in faint…and full of pain

My death…luckily…was reprieved
And hope…was then increased…I was aware

She has…more than fifty legs
And has more than fifty hands
And has more than fifty stings…she is in vain

She hugs you…among them
And stings you with all of them…she couldn't care

On your flesh…she eats and grows
On your blood…she feeds and drinks
On your bones…she bites and gnaws

She can stealthy crouch
And can stealthy fly
And can stealthy walk…in a freezing air
She has flair

She has weapons…in her mouth
Gazing at you…with fifty eyes
Aiming at you…wishing to bite

She sounds like…a baby buck…or like
An innocent kitten duck…you wouldn't tell

She acts like…a baby buck…or like
A little innocent duck…living at hill

With a sugary shell…outside
And poisonous honey…inside…you can't tell

Her name starts…with a "D"
And name ends…with an "H"…a sign of ill

For,…"D"…stands for a death
And…"H"…stands for a hell

She had once stung me
Allah had rescued me
My lord had saved me…a story to tell…a wisdom to tell

Dr. Bani Hani


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