الأربعاء، فبراير 04، 2009

Mohsin the Caring Father - free poetry

Mohsin, the Caring Father
By Dr. Bani Hani

Mohsin had revealed to me
He really…did speak to me
He came to me…in my dream
And sneaked…quietly…in my bed

His soul…has instructed me
It shook my body…and rubbed my eyes
And told me…strange things
And divulged to me…many secrets

About the sun…about the moon

About the weak ... about the strong

About the rich... about poor

About the stout…about the effete
About him…and about you

He wanted me…to think and sing
So I sang to thee…so many songs
To please him…and please you

He asked me…to love you
And asked me…to adore you
And asked me…to stand with thee
And asked me…to wipe your tears

He asked me…to hold your hand
And asked me…to level the sand
And asked me…to pave the road
And asked me…to ascend with thee
Atop the stars…and above the moon
Then reach high…to the highest sun
To bring a blaze…back with me
To lighten the road…and cheer your soul

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