الأربعاء، فبراير 04، 2009

Nectar of Life - Wisdom

Nectar of Life
Dear son, dear daughter…listen to me…
With your senses…listen to me…
With all senses…Listen to me…
Look at me…hear me…touch me…feel me…and taste the flavor of my words…for my words are the nectars of life…
I'm here to guide you…to hold your hand…and ascend with you…to the Sublime…
The Almighty Allah…has bestowed upon me...uncountable bounties:
He conceals my inabilities and defects…but revealed my capabilities and effects…
He conceals my inner defects, which He knows...but I don't know…and others don't know…
He conceals my defects, which He knows…and I know…but others don't know…
He conceals my defects, which He knows…I know…and others know…but he mitigates their meanings in the hearts of others…
Try to close an eye on the defects and faults of others…but not on their perfidious behaviors…

Dear son…
Never be taken by the appearance of anything…Delve deeper into the essence…then decide…
Never let ostensible beauty cheat you…for beauty, sometimes, belies a great deal of physical and moral ugliness…
Never accept to descend from the sublime to the ridiculous…You may lose your credibility and self esteem…
Never lie about anything…A lie weighs more than one's heart…That is why a liar's heart ossifies…A normal heart can never bear a falsehood…
Don't take a liar as a friend…you will never know when he is going to lie to you…or what he is going to foist upon you…
Never envy people because they are rich…for wealth could be a curse on the wealthy…while poverty could be a wealth or bounty for the poor…Think about the Universal Equilibrium…a poor's happiness may be equivalent to a rich's misery…The similitude of wealth versus poverty is like an object standing in front of a mirror…you may never be able to differentiate between the actual object and its image in the mirror…any of them could be the image…
Never deposit your secrets with anyone…except your father or mother…Your father and mother want the absolute goodness for you…Brothers or wife may wish you the good…but they may conspire against you as well…Jacob told his son Joseph: don't tell your brothers about what you have seen in your sleep, (dream)…
Don't earn your livelihood through immoral, unlawful or illegal means…Be always straight and decent…Illegal means are always prohibitive in cost, whether moral or material…You will be bludgeoned, somehow, somewhere to pay it back…in kind…in cash…in health or happiness…The two latter are worst in life, and the hereafter…
Don't commit a perfidy…for Allah doesn't like perfidious…
You are instructed to pardon who does you an injustice…to give who gives you not…and keep in touch with those who abandon you… (Saying by Prophet Mohammad)…
You are instructed to do the good for the sake of Allah…and forsake bad and evil for the sake of the Allah…if you do these things for the sake of anyone else, you will not taste the sweetness of Faith…
Remember the 4dges' rule:
1- Never burn a bridge, which connects you with others…even if they are your enemies…
2- Never get near the edge of anything…Be in the middle…use your brain and wisdom…
3- Never put a wedge between you and others…or among others…
4- Never pledge to do something if you can't do it…
Don't act as a prig…You have been constructed (raised) over so many years of trials and errors…successes and failures…
Don't cavil at anything…especially trivialities…You either say things that have value…or keep quite…
Don't expect people to be perfect…We are, naturally, imperfect…
Don't be capricious…moody people are usually abhorred…
Be a good listener…and pay close attention to who speaks to you…listen more and speak less…
Look at matters from all facets…and all sides…You may see the truth in one of them…
Be amusing not facetious…
Don't ever be shy of being poor…but you must be shy of behaving as a poor…You must differentiate between poverty per se and poverty culture…for poverty culture is associated with vulgarity and low-class…
Don't ever trust:
A whore…a journalist…and a politician…Any of those three is ready to do anything to get what he/she wants…The whore looks after money at the expense of honor…The journalist seeks fame at the expense of honesty…whereas a politician wants authority and power at the expense of people whom he lied to…all these aims and means are corruptive by their nature…
Think profoundly before you speak…
Be a soft-spoken…and humble…Lukman the Wise asked his son to speak gently…He said that the worst sounds are those of donkeys…
Walk gently…humbly… and moderately…neither fast nor slow…Don't ever prance like a peacock…The way a person walks is a sign of his humility…
Eat moderately…and modestly…for a stomach is not a container that a person must fill…
Don't ever be a greedy or stingy…For greed you will pay your dignity and integrity, and morals…For stinginess will pay your happiness…

Dr. Bani Hani

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